What are dentures?
Dental denture, also known as a removable denture, is a dental appliance used to improve the oral impact of missing teeth. It allows the wearer to restore chewing function, enhance speech, and prevent improper occlusion. Dental dentures can be easily worn and removed by the user.
Dentures can be divided into two types. Densbeauty provides a selection of partial or complete dentures treatment. The advantage of partial dentures is that they can simultaneously repair multiple missing teeth, making them suitable for patients with multiple missing teeth. And a complete denture will be needed for an edentulous oral cavity. However, removable dentures are generally more bulky than dental bridges and implants; they require a longer period of adjustment, and high-viscosity foods should be avoided. After the adaptation period, most people can eat as usual and regain the pleasure of enjoying delicious food. As for the cleaning and care of removable dentures, a soft-bristled toothbrush can be used for cleaning or soaking dentures in a denture cleaner.
Dentures need to be customized by the dentist. Our dental team needs to first evaluate factors such as the position of missing teeth and oral health through clinical and X-ray examinations before deciding on the type of use. After determining the type, the dentist will first create a dental mold based on the user’s oral cavity, and finally create a dedicated denture.
If you want to know which type of dentures are your best choice, schedule an appointment with Densbeauty now on WhatsApp and have our professional dental team conduct a detailed examination and evaluation to provide you with the most suitable treatment plan.
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