Why do you need scaling?
Scaling is implemented to remove dental plaque, tartar, and stains that adhere to the surface of teeth, making teeth clean and smooth and reducing the chances of developing periodontal disease.
The tiny gaps between our roots and gums are difficult to clean during daily brushing, food debris and dental plaque can be easily trapped in between. Over time, tartar can be formed, causing bad breath, gingival inflammation, bleeding, and even periodontal or other oral diseases. In severe cases, teeth may loosen and fall out.
Even with the habit of maintaining personal teeth and oral hygiene, one’s daily diet can lead to the accumulation of bacteria in the gums, and regular teeth cleaning is necessary to maintain clean and healthy teeth. It is generally recommended to clean your teeth every six months to one year. However, smokers, those wearing dentures, or those undergoing orthodontic treatments are more likely to develop gum disease. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly clean your teeth. After the teeth cleaning process is completed, continuing to maintain oral hygiene on a daily basis is important. The Densbeauty dental team will instruct you on how to use correct techniques such as brushing, flossing, and interdental brushing to maintain daily oral hygiene.
Even if it’s as simple as teeth cleaning, professional advice from a registered dentist is essential. The Densbeauty dental team will also take this opportunity to check your teeth and see if you have any other hidden oral problems, such as cavities. Early treatment plan discussions can prevent the situation from worsening. For more information about teeth cleaning and the condition of your teeth, please schedule an appointment using WhatsApp for Densbeauty and have our professional dental team examine your teeth and provide professional advice.
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